5 Visualisation Tips and Techniques for Maximising Your Sale

Visualisation tips buddha head with candlestick

If visualisation can help athletes reach the top of their game – imagine what it can do for maximising the sale of your property. Visualisation is not only a great tool for creating a positive mindset, but a scientifically tried and tested pathway to success. Here are 5 visualisation tips and techniques for maximising your sale.

1. Are you really ready to sell?

If you have any doubts or are feeling ambiguous about selling your home or moving, it may put the brakes on the whole process. Maybe selling doesn’t feel right for you just now. However, if you know you have to sell, you will achieve a quicker and better sale if you put your fears aside and fully focus on the road ahead.

2. Prepare yourself mentally

Make a list of the reasons why you want to sell your property and what you want to achieve from the sale. Are you wanting to start a new life somewhere else, move to a new area? Do you want a bigger home? Smaller home? Do you want more space, more light, more storage? Or do you simply want to release the funds tied up in the house? Whatever the reasons, write them down and make a separate list of the ways in which moving will add value to your life.

3. Visualise yourself in your new home

A lot has been written about the power of positive thought, and visualising your goal is part of that process. Imagine how you will feel when your property is sold and you’ve moved onto the next stage in your life. If there are any words that can describe how you want to feel as a result of the sale, write them down. If there are any images or photos that represent what you want life to look like, print them out and display them somewhere you can see them easily and regularly.

4. Visualise your property as sold and get the ball rolling

Imagine you’ve accepted an offer and it’s time to start preparing for the move. Before the property goes on the market is the ideal time to so this. Start sorting and removing from the house all the items you know you don’t want to take with you. Items you won’t be needing until after the sale can be boxed and stored somewhere out of sight. Not only will this help you achieve a quicker sale and higher price but it will also give you a head start when the time comes.

5. Allow buyers to visualise your home as theirs

Just as visualising your selling goals will help you achieve them, so potential buyers are more likely to want to buy a property they can see themselves living in. Buyers find it easier to fall in love with a property they can see themselves living in and if your home is jam packed with your personality, it may be difficult for viewers to imagine as their own. Maintain the image of this house as no longer you home firmly in the front of your mind and start to remove as much of your personality, your photos, nick knacks, memorabilia, anything you don’t need for the following few months and store it away ready for the big move.

Allowing viewers to see themselves living in your home will help secure a sale, but having the kind of property buyers will fall in love with and be willing to pay top dollar for takes a little more effort. Using the above visualisation tips and techniques will go a long way to achieving the best price and quickest sale for your property. Home Staging will help transform your home into the kind of property buyers will want to see themselves living in and pay top dollar for.

Janine Shalev is a professional property and home stager at  JS Property Staging.  She transforms properties into spaces that prospective buyers or tenants would love to call home. Call or message Janine if you would like to discuss home staging tips and strategies for your property.

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Huffpost: How to use visualisation to achieve your goals